in which God confronts walls of text

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God VS. Vodka

Why not both?
I'm a llama!
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in which God confronts walls of text

Post by God »

Yuber wrote:my God
Yes, my son?
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take 2

Post by Yuber »

LOL, nice. Didn't know our lord Yeshua was into emulation.

...hope you're not into creepy hentai games/gross dating sims. Jesus must have impeccable tastes. I assume he agrees with my opinion that Chrono Trigger is the undisputed champion of video games. Playing CT in HQ3xS+5xBR 3.7a is, after all, as close to a divine experience as you can get through gaming. Crono is modeled after Jesus, and his elemental affinity is heaven in the Doctor L retrans.

Please don't cast Luminaire on me for looking at porn!
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by God »

I was always fond of Wisdom Tree's work, truth be told. Bible Adventures is hilarious.
I don't use filters, though. I read the graphics RAM directly. It's crisper that way.
If I want to get an enhanced version, I read the original artist intent. It's good to be god.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by Yuber »

For the sake of all gamers, please smite EA and Capcom's sleazy executives. God does know all, so start judging sleazy businessmen and politicians as a whole please! You have much smiting to do on Wall Street!

You know, considering your infinite knowledge, why do you apparently suck so much at Tetris? Do you hate Final Fantasy because of all the anti-religious messages? Even then, it must be fun to destroy wannabe gods like Kefka and Lavos; their insolence must be rather offense to you.

edit: this is fun
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by God »

Man, kid. Ever hear about free will? I can't stop bad people until they get to the pearly gates.
PEOPLE have to fix people problems.
Also, really? There are people dying because they were born with the wrong skin color, they worship me in the wrong manner, they're men that like men, or just because someone needs killing today. And you want me to slap up some dudes that made some bad video games?
Get some perspective.

And Tetris is hard! I keep getting all those little zig-zag pieces when I need an L!
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by Yuber »

Bad games? Nah, not at all. It's about their intent to rip off as many people as possible and that's a very large part of corporate culture- at least the largest, most powerful companies. Big banks and energy companies are especially guilty of malicious behavior, like denying climate change and illegally foreclosing on many homes AFTER they imploded and crashed the world economy. Isn't that enough for a good old fashioned trip to hell? How about health insurance executives who deny cancer treatment to those in desperate need because of lifetime caps plus generally playing God and indirectly killing hundreds of thousands; they think of people as numbers, not people. Is that not unforgivable unless the real God miraculously changes them and gives insurance executives the ability to empathize? That's about as stereotypically psychopathic/evil as you can get.

Holy shit, this post is a LOT more serious than I intended it to be in the first place. Anyway, I don't dislike companies like EA and Capcum(true pronunciation, CVS2 proves it) because I dislike their games, I dislike them because they try to fuck people over constantly with restrictive DRM(Sim City, online passes), pay2win nonsense, DLC scams/taking shit out of their games so people will pay extra for the complete game, etc. I DO have my priorities straight though, and EA certainly doesn't deserve the "worst company in America" award. Maybe worst game company, but not the worst as a whole.

Clever screen name, and you're surprisingly able to pull the gimmick off well.

EDIT: I HATE those damned Z pieces too! Once you get past level 9 in A game(I think, it's been 10 years since I've played) the Z pieces ALWAYS give me trouble and eventually a game over. It's the one game my parents were better than me at when I was a kid; my mom scored over 400,000 points once and my dad got up to around 360,000. I'm awful at Tetris and usually max out at 250K. This is the Gameboy version I'm talking about btw. Those damned Zs are intolerable once I get to lvl 11-12; it's especially bad when you get like 3 Zs in a row when it's going so FAST.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by odditude »

there is not enough coffee in the world for this thread right now

hook me up, big guy
Why yes, my shift key *IS* broken.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by God »

Yuber wrote:How about health insurance executives who deny cancer treatment to those in desperate need because of lifetime caps plus generally playing God and indirectly killing hundreds of thousands
Son, if they were playing Me, you'd know it. Nikola Tesla did a better job at playing God than any CEO.
Is that not unforgivable unless the real God miraculously changes them and gives insurance executives the ability to empathize? That's about as stereotypically psychopathic/evil as you can get.
Regardless of whether or not they are evil or merely distasteful, they still have free will just like the rest of humanity.
It wouldn't exactly mean much to give you guys the power of choice if I reached in and rewired folks' heads because they chose wrong, would it?
Let's not talk about Jonah, okay? I was in a bad mood.

And you, sir odditude, need to cut back on your caffeine intake! If I'd realized everyone would decide they NEEDED that bean to get up in the morning, I might never would've created it.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by grinvader »

Nice job with all the pot, coke and dem frogs too, bro. Real inventive right there.

Why do we have that and not really cool stuff like, I don't know, a Flame Whip ? Your priorities suck.

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<jmr> bsnes has the most accurate wiki page but it takes forever to load (or something)
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by odditude »

grinvader wrote:Flame Whip
you mean like this?
Why yes, my shift key *IS* broken.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by Yuber »

What's wrong with weed? It's been a while since I've smoked but the only dangerous thing about weed is smoking, which can easily be eliminated by using a vaporizer or eating it. It's a hell of a lot safer than alcohol, and even though I smoked 6+ times a day for 3 years(not counting on/off smoking), the worst symptom I had was grumpiness for around a week and then I was back to normal. The smoking part was the worst, but that was due to me being a dumb kid/not using a vape. I used to be into mushrooms and 4-aco-DMT too, but those are so powerful that it's probably a good idea to stay away from them unless you enjoy weird, out-of-body type experiences. Lower doses of many tryptamines feel like a speedier/trippier weed high somewhat, so if you want to get high, stick with weed.

Of course everyone has free will, but many of the things I mentioned are examples of greedy companies trying to take others' free will away from them in the name of higher profits, especially banks and insurance companies. Unless the executives of those companies change their ways, my guess is that they're going to hell(I am a Christian, not officially one yet though). I was an atheist for 27 years; there isn't one thing in particular that made me start believing. I don't want to start a religious argument so I'll stop there. Christianity helped me stop getting high, but I still think cannabis should be 100% legal for anyone over 18. The drug war is absolutely fucking stupid and it has ruined the lives of millions because they decided to use or sell a substance our foolish government doesn't approve of.

I can understand arresting someone who runs a meth lab with kids in the house, but arresting someone for using or selling weed, a VERY safe substance(especially if it were legal/regulated) is inexcusable. Too many people try to blame their addiction problems on the drugs, but that's a pussy ass copout and people need to take responsibility for being careless and getting themselves addicted to shit.

I wouldn't mind having an Ultima Weapon, FF6 style plus an obedient pet Ultima wpn(also FF6 style, that thing looks fucking cool). How about giving everyone the ability to heal themselves and others so we wouldn't even need doctors? I'd take healing powers over destructive abilities any day. Also I'd have a pet Ultima Weapon so I wouldn't even need that shit.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by odditude »

everyone wrote:where the hell isn't this thread going how 'bout dat zsnes?
Why yes, my shift key *IS* broken.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by God »

grinvader wrote:Nice job with all the pot, coke and dem frogs too, bro. Real inventive right there.
I expected you people to practice some moderation! Sheesh.
Why do we have that and not really cool stuff like, I don't know, a Flame Whip ? Your priorities suck.
True story: I gave everyone flame whips the first time. That's why the dinosaurs died out. It was just too much fun and too easy to accidentally cook a family of six. That's why you guys had to earn gunpowder on your own.

And now you look to be chickening out on that before you get to anything genuinely INTERESTING.
I was looking forward to the day everyone owned a lightning cannon. Do you have ANY IDEA how much effort I spent with Nikola Tesla to further that dream? NOW what am I going to watch for entertainment? You people need to think of your creator more when you make these decisions!

And as far as Yuber's post goes...
You raise some very interesting points regarding the exact nature of free will. Unfortunately, I have a policy of not getting into serious theological discussions with people before they leave the mortal coil, and while I've been playing loose with that rule lately, I think it's time for me to clam up a bit. It is up to every man to find the truth in his own heart and act accordingly.
I will say that I find the situation you describe to be a problem of man created by man. If humanity uses their free will to give away their freedom, that's neither my fault nor my place to intervene. It is a problem for man to fix.

Besides, I used to level entire cities. Even flooded the whole me-damned planet once to wipe away all the evil. It didn't do any good whatsoever long-term. So I leave the evil and stupidity in the mortal world to be dealt with by mortals. For the record, you're doing ... about as good as I ever did. A bit less mass destruction, so I guess that's a point in your favor.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by grinvader »

odditude wrote:
grinvader wrote:Flame Whip
you mean like this?
Such a horrible day for a Belmont to have a curse (of mcdonald).

Yuber wrote:What's wrong with weed? It's been a while since I've smoked but the only dangerous thing about weed is smoking,
There's a very large difference between "we don't know about any debiliting, last-longing effects" and "there are no debiliting, last-longing effects".
Mainly the part where differential research isn't done because it's illegal to consume, illegal to admit consumption, and illegal to make people take a lot of drugs for SCIENCE. Stupid ethics.
From the relatively varied output of each study done so far (ranging from 'no visible effect' to 'permanent loss of mental ability'), I'd go with "if you like your brain, how about some sex instead". Better high, and the hardware is designed for it.

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<jmr> bsnes has the most accurate wiki page but it takes forever to load (or something)
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by Gil_Hamilton »

But if you like your heart, you'll drink in moderation. Alcohol is VERY good for you in small quantities.
Squall_Leonhart wrote:
You have your 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, and 128s(crash course in binary counting!). But no 1s.
DirectInput represents all bits, not just powers of 2 in an axis.
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by odditude »

i'll drink to that!
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Re: ZSNES is not dead - Still in development

Post by Yuber »

odd, first off, you can't OD and die if you use too much weed; the worst thing that'll happen is that you'll either eat too much and/or pass out. You'll feel tired for a bit but there's no nasty hangover like with booze. This is from 2003, but there have been many studies that suggest cannabis can kill various types of cancer cells while protecting "regular" cells Just search for "cannabis cancer" or something of that nature and you will find tons of articles about weed's anticancer properties.

THC is far from the only cannabinoid in weed; the combination(s) of cannabinoids in pot, namely indica-dominant strains, are very good for pain relief/anti-inflammatory effects. If cannabis were legal and regulated in all states(and throughout the rest of the world), it would be even safer since ideally, there would be strict purity regulations. There is a LOT of ridiculous propaganda about weed, especially from the DEA/federal government in general; it's been known for a very ling time that cannabis is infinitely safer than alcohol on every level. Smoking is the issue, and instead of demonizing this medically valuable plant, people should be educated about it. For example, it's obviously better for you to use a vaporizer/eat it to avoid smoking risks, and different strains have very different effects. Sativa dominant strains tend to give people a more psychedelic, energetic high while Indica-based strains are incredibly relaxing and great for anxiety relief.

The indica-dominant varieties tend to be more useful medically because of high percentages of CBD and other useful cannabinoids. There is absolutely no reason for weed to be illegal. It's a travesty that people actually go to prison and have permanent criminal records for possessing or selling weed. Personally, weed is the only substance that prevents my awful temper from flaring up, and unlike benzos like Valium, Klonopin etc, it's not very physically addictive. Some people have ZERO WD after long term weed use, and the only symptoms I had were lack of appetite/slight grumpiness for a week. Benzodiazepine withdrawl can cause seizures and even death much like alcohol.

Weed is very useful medically and it's safer than all commonly prescribed drugs that people use for the problems I mentioned. I'm sure I missed other good medical applications for weed, like nausea(best stomach medicine on Earth), and you won't suffer nasty withdrawal even after long term use. I see no problem with recreational use either, especially if it's vaporized or eaten. If you don't smoke it, weed is as close to harmless as you can get.

EDIT: I haven't been talking about ZSNES itt because it will probably be several years before a new version gets released. I would like to hear from devs about their vision/the future of ZSNES. Current ZSNES is very outdated but still fun to use, so I hope the eventual new version is very accurate while still maintaining its excellent speed. Some speed would probably need to be sacrificed for accuracy, but maybe like BSNES there could be custom settings for either more speed or more accuracy. Shader support along with more graphical filters in general would be awesome as well. I love the xBR filters; they make bilinear filtering unnecessary, especially some of the 5xBR shaders. FinalBurn Alpha has some xBR settings as well and they make old arcade games look amazing on HD monitors.

EDIT: lol, I thought this shit got deleted rather than moved.
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Re: in which God confronts walls of text

Post by PHoNyMiKe »

Oh Most High, from which life and creation came. May I ask how we can restore paradise unto this world?
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Re: in which God confronts walls of text

Post by God »

By destroying all existing copies of Tetris, burning Alexey Pajitnov at the stake as a heretic, and purging the very word itself from the world!

Your God hath spoken.
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Re: in which God confronts walls of text

Post by grinvader »

Vodka also hath spoken.

my vote goes to the awesome chiptune, personally

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<jmr> bsnes has the most accurate wiki page but it takes forever to load (or something)
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Re: in which God confronts walls of text

Post by adventure_of_link »

grinvader wrote:Vodka also hath spoken.
:o I knew it!! they're always on something when they design these games...
<Nach> so why don't the two of you get your own room and leave us alone with this stupidity of yours?
NSRT here.
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Re: in which God confronts walls of text

Post by odditude »

Why yes, my shift key *IS* broken.
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Re: in which God confronts walls of text

Post by Yuber »

I'm a beer man, llamas all the way. I'd choose God, but I took the poll as meaning the gimmick account God VS vodka and llamas.
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Re: in which God confronts walls of text

Post by God »

Gimmick? Are you implying I'm not actually the master of (almost) everything?
I'm hurt. :(
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Re: in which God confronts walls of text

Post by Yuber »

I'm sure the real God doesn't suck at Tetris. I mean, the universe itself is a ridiculously complicated puzzle in many ways and God MADE it, so if you suck at Tetris I can't have any faith in you. HERETICAL BLASPHEMER! BURN HIM ALIVE!

Seriously though, I'm surprised you've been able to make that gimmick work as well as you have. If I had to guess, I'd say you're an alternate account of one of the mods/admins.
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