Subversion at SourceForge

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Subversion at SourceForge

Post by Jipcy »

Are the ZSNES developers planning on switching to and using SVN instead of CVS?

Overview Here.

I haven't really been able to determine what the main benefits of SVN is over CVS. It appears to be simpler to access an SVN repository on Windows, than it is to access a CVS repository. Security is different, though. Using TortoiseSVN, you don't need to use a private key or anything. You just enter your login and password, I think. With TortoiseCVS, they recommend you use Putty for your private key. Which seems more secure to me.

Also, apparently SVN is slightly slower than CVS.

Another weird thing, the SVN and CVS repositories for a given project are completely separate. So, wouldn't be smart for a project to use only one of the version control systems? Otherwise, the code may get accidentally branched, just between the two systems.

Other than that, all the features appear to be pretty much the same. There's extra "hooks" to duplicate some of the CVS features. Like a "hook" for CIA reporting. And a case-sensitivity checker.

Anyone here have any thoughts on this?
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Post by Aerdan »

SVN has the benefit of not requiring a separate directory just to create patches against the revision you currently have.

It also makes it easier to manipulate files and keep track of changes globally, rather than on a per-file basis, thereby permitting us to determine accurately which revision broke things when things break.
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Post by pagefault »

Yes, we are switching as soon as possible.
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