How ZSNES ruined my life

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How ZSNES ruined my life


Let me tell you a little story, a story of happiness and sadness, and tears and joy.

It started out a little under 3 years ago, when searching a random forum I saw that ZSNES 1.51 was released. New to this emulation thing, I downloaded it and was playing my favorites. First it started as a little, just for recreational use. You know, a little Super Mario World here, a little Link to the Past there. Damn, it was the best high I ever had.

Then at some point, I don't know what it was, but it started to spiral. Next thing you know I'm setting up labs in the garage, as wrong as it may be. Labs of 133 mhz Pentium 1's, AMD, using DOS, Linux. You name it, I was running ZSNES on it. I was running those things around town non stop. I had clients out the ass. And when I wasn't, a was knee deep in product. 4:30 in the morning laying on the garage floor looking for the PAL bad ROM alternate opening sound patch for Aero the Acro-bat to test on ZSNES.

Eventually my wife packed up her bags and told me she's taking the kids. When she told me I don't even think I realized it for about a week. I think I was out of my mind on Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge or something, I don't really remember. It was all a blur.

Next thing you know, about a year later I'm losing my house, my car is being repossessed and I'm out on the street. I managed to save a flash drive and ZSNES. I was living on the street trying to get my next fix. Public libraries, local college computer labs, you name it. I must have been ran out by the police a dozen times. One time I was in the middle of changing the frame step setting on Goof Troop. The next thing I remember was waking up in the middle of a county jail cell.

My family and friends has an intervention and locked me in a room with just food and water and books for a couple days. The worst shakes you could ever imagine. All that was going through my head was listing all the features in ZSNES over and over again. SlowROM and FastROM support. Full DMA support. Enough to drive a man insane.

Eventually I cleaned up. It was a long hard road and I've been sober 8 months now. I am here with you now to say, ZSNES, developers when you make the next release, whenever it is. PLEASE, put a warning out there. PLEASE don't let my experiences go in vain. If not for any of us, for our children, I beg of you. I've told my tale and I hope others heed my warning.

God bless, and each of you have a Merry Christmas.
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Post by dfreer »

Cool story bra... first post in epic thread BTW!
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Post by PHoNyMiKe »

oh great, zsnes fan fiction. you left out the part where you are a furry and that you had sex with zsnes. failthread!
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Post by adventure_of_link »

I'm sure this is BS, given that you were ran out by cops, and they prolly could've busted you for infringement.

Anyway, locked, oh, and your nick fails. Hard.
<Nach> so why don't the two of you get your own room and leave us alone with this stupidity of yours?
NSRT here.
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Re: How ZSNES ruined my life

Post by grinvader »

I was expecting a fresh prince rant. :/

Code: Select all

<jmr> bsnes has the most accurate wiki page but it takes forever to load (or something)
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Joe Camacho
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Post by Joe Camacho »

adventure_of_link wrote:I'm sure this is BS, given that you were ran out by cops, and they prolly could've busted you for infringement.

Anyway, locked, oh, and your nick fails. Hard.
Are you really 100% positively totally sure it is BS? I really can't tell from that post alone.
*Sometimes I edit my posts just to correct mistakes.
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Post by Clements »

A little bit of ZSNES - just for recreational use - is fine, but when it becomes an addiction and takes over your life, and you lose your home and family, then is the time to quit and regain control over your life.

For kind help, support and advice on ZSNES addiction, call ZSNES Addicts Anonymous on 1-800-ZSNESLOL