However to fix them yourself is quite easy.
libao checks for its drivers in: /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/
A 32 bit libao will check there, and not finding anything it can use, since they're all 64 bit, it will crash.
32 bit libao will install its 32 bit drivers in /usr/lib32/ao/plugins-2/ or some other location on your machine. I for example have them in /var/chroot/sid-ia32/usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/.
You should be able to find them by typing "locate ao/plugins-2" into a terminal.
Once you find them, you have to copy the drivers you're going to use into /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/, or create a link to them there. Be careful to give the copies/links new names, so you don't overwrite the 64 bit ones.
Here's an example of how to create a symbolic link:
Code: Select all
ln -s /var/chroot/sid-ia32/usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/liboss.a /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/liboss-32.a
Code: Select all
ln -s /usr/lib32/ao/plugins-2/ /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/
Once you link/copy all the drivers you need to /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/, libao shouldn't crash when ZSNES starts up, and you'll be able to use ZSNES.
If in doubt, symlink all your 32 bit drivers to /usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/.