Every time you do, you're just getting their scammy/scummy sites ranked higher on Google and other search engines. Quoting all the links doesn't do us much justice either, as it not only abuses the search engines further in the process, but it gives us that much more to clean up.
As such, I expect the mods of their appropriate forum(s) to clean out these threads by removing the links, then lock the thread. However, if it's in an already existing thread, then clean out the links and continue the thread as if the spambot wasn't there, or split the particular post(s). After that, an admin will take over from there (it's best to report it to us through PM or something).
As a regular user, you can report spam posts in the Report a bot thread in the Forum section, PM it to a mod, or click the report posts button (looks like this, at the bottom of the post, assuming you're using the Hermes template:

If I catch anyone replying to a spambot thread, you may be placed on temporary ban, for no more than 24 hours.