Tetris & Dr. Mario

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Tetris & Dr. Mario

Post by Jipcy »

So, tonight I played the Dr. Mario half of this game for the first time. I love the sound effects. Has anyone ever noticed how similar many of the sounds effects are with Earthbound's? It was uncanny, for me.

On a related note, this is the first time I've noticed that the Tetris on this rom has the Gameboy-version songs. Up to know, it's been my opinion that the best version of Tetris on either NES or SNES was the Tengen unlicensed version on the NES, in large part because of the co-op mode. However, my opinions are swayed because of the good music on this version.

Forgive me for reporting on something that was "old" 13 years ago. I guess that's what emulators are for.

EDIT: Also, does anyone know off-hand what "NP Dr. Mario (J)" saves to SRAM? Perhaps high-scores? I didn't play long enough to really find out. It looks identical to the other versions of Dr. Mario on the SNES.
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Post by SquareHead »

Tetris & Dr. Mario is a good game, I like the head to head competition on the same damned console.
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