PoP PC shipping sans DRM

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PoP PC shipping sans DRM

Post by sweener2001 »

It's a fun game, i play it on 360. but hearing this just makes me happy.

i put up a positive amazon review. i would encourage everyone here to do the same, or something similar. ubisoft needs to know that this a good thing.

also, the pc gamers on this board could vote with their wallets and buy it. it most certainly helps because the game is worth playing. even if it's "too easy because you can't die."

they just don't show you dying. you still get taken back to the last bit of solid ground, or the enemy/boss will gain back a significant portion of their health. the ramifications are there, they're just saving you the trouble of a death sequence or game over screen.

EDIT: linkage
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Post by DancemasterGlenn »

I played it. I love Prince of Persia to death, and I don't mind the new gameplay stuff. It did feel a bit easier, but it still looked and played like a dream.

Combat got a little repetitive, but at last it was beautiful repetitive. Hopefully in the sequel there will be fewer quicktime events, or at least more varied ones. I mostly didn't like that they would happen at the edge of all the battle areas, which would always be where I ended up? So intead of them being every so often, I had to see the same ones over and over. Oh, and since I played it on the 360 (but don't own a 360 myself)... I kept pressing the quicktime event buttons like they were super nintendo buttons (XABY from the top clockwise, instead of the actual 360 YBAX). Really obnoxious, but I guess kinda my own fault for not really using the system before. I would have slaughtered those dudes on the ps3.

So all in all, it was amazing, slgithtly frustrating in bits but still charming. And then it ended. And no spoilers, but it just made me really sad. Even if they're setting up for a sequel, did they really have to do it like that? I dunno.

It almost makes me not want to buy a copy for myself (and since I have linux and it probably won't work in Wine, it's kinda doubly so)... but I do really admire that they're released this thing without drm. That and I've been sorta thinking over doing a dual-boot for a while, so I can play some of these games again. Really hoped I wouldn't have to, and wine has been growing in leaps and bounds, but I do miss just picking up and playing some of these newer games. So I think this may be something I'll purchase. The end isn't so incredibly sad that I don't want to play the game again... right?
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Post by sweener2001 »

i haven't beaten it yet. i've just fully cleansed one land and finally killed one of the bosses.

but i enjoy it, a lot.
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Post by DancemasterGlenn »

Let me know what you think of the end, when you get to it. Oh, and get all the light seeds, because I got almost all of them but then my friend took his 360 home for break. Lame. I think it's just going to unlock a new skin, but I don't actually know for sure.

Thanks for doing all the hard work <3
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Post by sweener2001 »

i've been debating whether i should collect all the light seeds on this play or not. i suppose i will.
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Post by DancemasterGlenn »

And holy crap, here's a one-two punch for you: not only does the game apparently work in wine (probably due in no small part to not having to worry about copy protection, not that it would matter since I'd be buying it), but I just found out toys'r'us and two other places are selling the pc version online for 30 bucks! Jesus! I don't think I can NOT buy it for that price.

Personally, I always like playing through a game and getting everything possible on the first go-through. Personal preference. If you don't want to get them right away, you can always wait until you've beaten all the bosses (like, completely beaten). There's no pressure to go back to the temple right away, so you can go around the levels as much as you want looking for seeds. Another helpful thing I didn't realize til the end of the game: I thought you could only teleport back to the temple, but you can actually teleport anywhere you've already cleared (if I'm remembering that right). I never used it because I enjoy the platforming so much, but it can be useful if you really want to get from one place to another very quickly.
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