I love broadband, 500GB hard drives, and remote desktop

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I love broadband, 500GB hard drives, and remote desktop

Post by PHoNyMiKe »

I have 2 pcs set up. one I use for my primary, the other I use for downloading and copying disks. I have a kvm set up, but it's hooked to a third computer for fixing, so I remote desktop the 'burner' pc for now. over a wired connection there's practically no lag. having nothing plugged into a pc but a cat5 cable and being able to run it on your screen with muse and keyboard is really slick.

I hooked up an external sata 500GB hard drive to the burner due to massive filesizes. last night I hit usenet, and when I woke up there were 30GBs of shit downloaded.

usually I can get 500KBps and I'm happy, but occassionally I'll get almost a MBps, as pictured on the right downloading an image from nasa. when I see almost 1MBps it makes me happy.

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Post by soulmata »

lol winders

lol remote desktop
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Post by Aaron »

That's really neat. I'm building a PC with my friend this summer, and we'll probably buy a lot of nice hardware. :)

Also, I didn't really like Ice Age 2. :S
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Post by AntoineWG »

Remote desktop has to be the most useful thing about XP Pro. I use it on a daily basis at work. It runs way smoother than VNC, especially when I'm VPN'ed in from home, and locks the computer so everybody in the office doesn't freak out.
[i]"It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try, but the result's the same." - Mike Dennison[/i]
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