[FEATURE] Netgames over the X-server?

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[FEATURE] Netgames over the X-server?

Post by wertigon »

Hey all, I just read this thread about DeSyncs and stuff, and as I read it, this idea hit me:
funkyass wrote: the snes never had the ability to matain state between multiple units, and thats how netplay on snes9x/zsnes works. It needs to more Model-View Contoller than what it is now.
Well, isn't this what the X-Server actually *does*? If so, you have the answer right there. Seeing as the X-server exists for both Windows *and* Linux (although you have to install it in Windows), it's also quite doable... And it would definitely keep games from desyncing.

Another strong point is that it'd only require one person to have the ROM, since the emulator is run on a single machine and everyone else simply allow the person in charge to display on their machine. So, no ROM mismatching, which makes it all quite a lot easier on everyone. :)

Something for Zsnes 1.41 maybe?
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